Help feedback
I designed and developed a feedback mechanism for help topics. Readers could choose a rating plus provide questions or comments on a feedback form.
The documentation team was notified about every submission so we could take action. I also would email customers,if they provided contact information, to ask further questions or to tell them we used their suggestions.
A set of feedback emojis appeared at the bottom of each user guide or API guide topic. Choosing an emoji opened a feedback form in a separate browser tab, so that users could provide more information.
The code to display the feedback emojis was some simple JavaScript that:
- Displayed the emoji images
- Included links to the feedback form in a Quick Base application
- Captured the page information for inclusion in the feedback document
Sample code:
<p><b>Did this help you? Give us a rating:</b></p>
<p> <script type="text/javascript">/*<![CDATA[*/
var feedbacklink1 = "" + document.location.pathname;
document.write('<a href=feedbacklink1 onclick="; return false;" target="_blank"><img src="images/emo/1.png" height="36px" width="36px" title="Not at all" alt="1 not at all"></a>');
<script type="text/javascript">/*<![CDATA[*/
var feedbacklink2 = "" + document.location.pathname;
document.write('<a href=feedbacklink2 onclick="; return false;" target="_blank"><img src="images/emo/2.png" height="36px" width="36px" title="Very little" alt="2 very little"></a>');
<script type="text/javascript">/*<![CDATA[*/
var feedbacklink3 = "" + document.location.pathname;
document.write('<a href=feedbacklink3 onclick="; return false;" target="_blank"><img src="images/emo/3.png" height="36px" width="36px" title="Neutral" alt="3 neutral"></a>');
<script type="text/javascript">/*<![CDATA[*/
var feedbacklink4 = "" + document.location.pathname;
document.write('<a href=feedbacklink4 onclick="; return false;" target="_blank"><img src="images/emo/4.png" height="36px" width="36px" title="Somewhat" alt="4 somewhat"></a>');
<script type="text/javascript">/*<![CDATA[*/
var feedbacklink5 = "" + document.location.pathname;
document.write('<a href=feedbacklink5 onclick="; return false;" target="_blank"><img src="images/emo/5.png" height="36px" width="36px" title="Completely" alt="5 completely"></a>');
To include the feedback emojis on every page, I added the code to the existing Madcap Flare snippet that already appeared on every page, as the footer material:
<MadCap:snippetBlock src="Resources/Snippets/Copyright_and_GA.flsnp" />